Control Theory and Its Applications
Control theory is a framework for the modeling, analysis, and design of dynamical systems using mathematical tools. This has various applications in, e.g., engineering, physics, and biology. Through the studies on control theory and its applications, we address some real-world problems and work toward the creation of new values.
Research Interests
Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Networked Systems
In networked systems, subsystems are connected through networks.
These systems include modern applications such as swarm robots and sensor networks, and thus have been actively studied in the control community.
We study the following topics on networked systems.
- Formation control of multi-robot systems
- Distributed signal processing over sensor netwokrs
- Modeling and analysis of syncronized behavior of metronomes
- Analysis and control of power systems
Please see our journal and conference papers from Publications. Our achievements other than the papers are shown as follows.
Multi-Agent Mass Games
We developed distributed controllers for multi-agent mass games in which agents achieve formations displaying given images as shown in the following figure. Potential applications of mass games are entertainment, image processing, and display devices.
The following animation is a simulation result by our controllers, where the black dots indicate agents. What do you see?
The following images (shown in the right panel) are given to the agents: 1 2 3 4 Default
We developed a MATLAB simulator for mass games, as shown in the following paper. Our simulator can be downloaded as a MATLAB application installer from here for free. A demonstration video of the simulator can be seen as the graphical abstract of the paper.
- S. Izumi, Y. Shiomoto, and X. Xin: Mass Game Simulator: An Entertainment Application of Multiagent Control, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 4129–4140 (2021) Open Access